CAPTIVE concert rescheduled due to COVID-19 concerns

After careful consideration, the Camerata Nova board of directors has made the decision to postpone the events of our May 9-10, 2020 concert, Captive.

We have rescheduled this concert to Sep 12-13, 2020, same time(s)/place, subject to COVID-19 restrictions at that time. All ticket purchased to date will be honoured in the fall.

Thank you for your support and understanding, stay safe, and we look forward to presenting this special concert for you.

Please feel free to contact us as if you have any questions.


SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2020 AT 7:30 PM and SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2020 AT 3:00 PM
LE SAMEDI 9 MAI 2020 À 19 H 30 et LE DIMANCHE 10 MAI 2020 À 15 H
NEEGINAN CENTRE (181 Higgins Ave)

Captive is the third in our series of Truth and Reconciliation concerts, featuring new works on the theme of “captivity” by Indigenous composers/performers, including electro-acoustic specialist Eliot Britton, hip-hop artist Zoey Roy, cellist Cris Derksen, traditional drummer/singer Cory Campbell, our very own Andrew Balfour, and more. Under Andrew’s leadership, we’ve been pushing the envelope on contemporary Indigenous music for more than ten years, discovering and collaborating with incredibly talented Indigenous artists and helping to bridge Indigenous and settler communities. Andrew Balfour curator/composer, Mel Braun conductor.

Captive est le troisième de notre série de concerts sur la vérité et de la réconciliation, et comprendra de nouvelles œuvres sur le thème de la « captivité » par des compositeurs/interprètes autochtones, dont le spécialiste électroacoustique Eliot Britton, l’artiste hip-hop Zoey Roy, la violoncelliste Cris Derksen, batteur/chanteur traditionnel Cory Campbell et notre propre Andrew Balfour. Sous la direction d’Andrew, nous repoussons les limites de la musique autochtone contemporaine depuis plus de 10 ans, en découvrant des artistes autochtones incroyables et en collaborant avec eux, et en aidant à rapprocher la communauté autochtone et celle des colons. Andrew Balfour, concepteur/compositeur; Mel Braun, chef de chœur.

Purchase tickets for CAPTIVE online by clicking HERE

Camerata Nova is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization.
 Exploring, taking risks, and developing exciting new programming, takes time, energy, and money.

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